How to germinate pepper seeds, it’s easy to be like a pro !

Here we are, the time has come to germinating pepper seeds and kick off a new spicy season!
You’ve followed our guide on how to store chili seeds and now you want to make sure that some pretty seedlings come up. Well, you are in the right place!

So let’s see to the point, here is everything you will need to get the best possible result germinating pepper seeds and see your new plants appear in no time at all:

Sprouting chili seeds, what you need:

Properly stored seeds
A plastic container
A roll of paper towel or kitchen “sponge cloths”
A coil or heating mat

Properly stored seeds

Yes, having correctly stored chili seeds will be of vital importance, so make sure they are not swollen, stained or, worse, broken or open. Also check for mold and follow this general principle: the seeds should be roughly the color they were when you stored them, at most slightly lighter.

The container for germinating pepper seeds

The right container can make the difference between healthy, fast germination and slow or ineffective germination.
Here are the key features of a good container for germinating peppers seeds:

1.The container must be sterile, so be sure to disinfect it before pllacing two seeds in it.

2. The container must have a lid, possibly with a hole in the middle.

3.The container must develop more in width than in height.

Let’s see in detail why these 3 characteristics.

The sanitization of the container has a protective function towards the seeds. The seeds that you will germinate will in fact have a peculiar characteristic: they will be very thirsty. It is normal, now they are dehydrated, but as soon as they begin to feel the humidity they will try to take it in to give way to the biological processes essential to germination. You understand that a contaminated environment would favor the entry of water but also of bacteria, fungi or molds that could attack the inside of the seed and prevent the seedling from being born.

The container must have a lid, but why? The reason is simple: a lid will have the function of maintaining greater control of the atmosphere inside the container, this will allow us to have a constant humidity inside and, not trivial, to slow down the evaporation process of the container. water.

It will also be important that the container develops more in width than in height to prevent the “greenhouse” effect from being nullified and that different microclimates do not develop inside.

The procedure: we put the seeds to germinate

Now that we have everything we need we can put the pepper seeds to germinate, here’s how germinating pepper seeds:
After sanitizing the container, lay two / three layers of paper cloth on the bottom (paper cloth, the thick one, not a simple paper towel) or a layer of sponge cloth (the one of foamy rubber, usually yellow or pink that you use to wash things in the kitchen). These materials are very absorbent and do not break down with moisture.

Soak the cloth well with water, preferably bottled water. The cloth should be soaked, but you shouldn’t see puddles.

Now you can place the seeds, spaced at least 2-3 cm apart to prevent them from tangling together once the rootlets have sprung up.

Cover with the cap and place the container on a heating mat or heating cable. If you don’t have any, you can do your best to find household items that emit heat. Many pepper lovers put the container over the modem at home and it often proves to be an excellent DIY solution.

The temperature is important, the seeds need a temperature of at least 18/20 ° C to germinate, but the ideal would be to keep it around 22/24. Be careful that the temperature does not rise too much.

Now you just have to wait!

Frequently asked questions about germinating pepper seeds

Is there a need for light?

Absolutely no. The seeds at this time only need moisture and heat, light is not needed.

What do you need to pay attention to?

It is necessary to maintain an adequate and constant temperature as possible. In addition, the humidity inside the container must be absolutely maintained, pour water daily and make sure that the cloths under the seeds are always well impregnated.

Condensation occurs, is that a problem?

No, absolutely not! If you see condensation it means that you are doing everything as per delivery. Condensation is formed thanks to the evaporation of water which is favored by the internal temperature germinating pepper seeds.

What is the cap above the lid for?

The cap will help you regulate the internal humidity. Without a cap, the water would begin to stagnate, greatly increasing the possibility of molds that are dangerous for our seeds.

When is it time to plant the seeds? How do I notice it?

After a few days (from 5 to 40, depending on the variety) of the seeds will begin to open and small cottony roots will emerge. When the rootlets have reached a length of about one centimeter, you can bury the seed under 1 / 2cm of soil, possibly inside a small pot (square planting pots or simple plastic cups).

Do I have to fertilize?

Absolutely no. At this moment the seedling has everything it needs and extracts the nutrients from the cotyledons, the first two “leaves” of the plant. In fact, these are not really normal leaves, but are real “silos” of food reserves. You can start fertilizing when the seedlings have already grown, especially if the soil is of good quality.

Well, now you have all the skills to quickly germinating pepper seeds!

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