Rocoto Manzano red

SCOVILLE HEAT UNIT:                  100,000

SPECIES:                                          CAPSICUM PUBESCENS


Rocoto Manzano red chilli 10 pepper seeds for planting , hot pepper of the pubescens species

10-12 seeds per pack

In stock


SKU: P08 Category: Tags: , , Product ID: 2511


Rocoto Manzano red chilli 10 hot pepper seeds,very hot
Rocoto is probably the most famous hot pepper of the pubescens species. Its history has very ancient origins in the Andean region of Peru where it is also known as ‘Manzano’, meaning “apple” due to the imposing shape and size of the fruit. There are several ways to call the rocoto manzano , for this reason we can sometimes get confused.

For example: Rocoto Manzano, Chili Peron, Chili Caballo and Ciruelo.

The Rocoto germinates more slowly than other peppers. When the plant is mature the Rocoto is very resistant to low temperatures. The plant is about 60 to 100 cm tall and the peppers are 5 cm long and 5 cm in diameter.

Its color changes during maturation from green to yellow or orange or red, depending on the species of Rocoto. There are sources that say that Rocoto and Manzano are different peppers. The minimum time for harvest is at least 80 days and the discoloration of the peppers is from green, yellow, orange to red.



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